I pray for my clients because the most significant things they need are beyond the scope of I what I can provide.
Don't get me wrong, I'm good at my job. And part of being good at my job is being diligent in praying for my clients.
We all need God to move.
We need His wisdom beyond our own.
He is the One who calls us to relationship with Him and partnership with Him in His ministry to the world. As the One who calls us, He knows best what He's calling us to, and our next steps.
Strategy and preparation are helpful but they only appropriately add to what we're doing when we walk in step with His guidance.
I pray for my clients during our coaching sessions and outside of them. Yes, I bring my past mistakes, my experience, and my expertise as contributions. I am one of many counselors, assisting my clients as we ask God for His voice to be loudest in our ears.
I want to be a conduit of His life-giving words. I partner with them and with Him in His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. As a Ministry Coach, I'm aware that we're sowing seeds into eternal harvest fields. I cherish the opportunity to serve as an added member on my client's team.
And I'm armed with testimony of what happens when God moves.